Signs Your Tree is Ready to be Removed

We have a special affinity with trees, particularly those that have been growing in our backyards for years and years. Indeed, sometimes it’s difficult to imagine what our home would look like without them. Capable of providing shelter, creating healthy soil and lending a sense of tranquility to the surrounding environment, big, beautiful trees are an iconic part of any property’s landscape.

As such, it’s not always an easy decision to remove a tree from your property. However, for the safety of your family and to prevent potential damage to your home, sometimes it is necessary. An unhealthy tree may fall down during a storm and crush whatever lies beneath it, while some species are infamous for their brittle wood, which is liable to snap off once the tree reaches a certain size. To avoid an accident, you’ll want to have all risky trees removed from your property before they can cause any damage.

But how do you know when a tree is ready to be removed? Well, with almost 40 years of experience removing trees in Perth, it’s fair to say that Tree Surgeons of WA are more than qualified to answer this question. In this article, we’re going to highlight five of the most common signs that indicate your tree is unhealthy, unsafe or impractical and should be removed by a tree removal service in Perth.

  1. The Bark in the Trunk is Cracked or Chipped

One common sign that suggests your tree may be unhealthy and in need of removal is the presence of indents, cracks and chips in the bark of the trunk. These flaws are often a symptom of a much bigger problem and indicate that the tree may be sick or dying. While the odd chip here and there is to be expected, it’s important to keep an eye out for multiple cracks in the same part of the tree or a single, very deep crack. If you do spot anything, be sure to get in contact with your local Perth tree removers for a second opinion or to help you remove the tree.

  1. The Leaves Are Discoloured or Falling Out of Season

You might be surprised to learn that leaves are a valuable point of diagnosis and can reveal a lot about the overall health of your tree. For example, a range of diseases can result in the discolouration of leaves and may even cause leaves to start falling at erratic times in the year. If your tree is looking paler than normal or has started to lose its leaves out of season, it’s possible that your tree has developed a problem.

The good news is that while these symptoms are a sign that something is wrong, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your tree is doomed. With the proper treatment and care from an expert arborist, these diseases can sometimes be healed. Get in touch with the Tree Surgeons of WA to find out whether outright removal is necessary or if your tree can be saved.

  1. The Tree Has Sustained Significant Storm Damage

Western Australia is frequently home to some pretty spectacular storms. While our roads, homes and businesses typically take most of the impact, our trees also sustain their fair share of damage in the face of Mother Nature’s wrath.

Extreme wind conditions, high levels of rainfall and huge hailstones (measuring up to six centimetres during the 2010 storms!) can all cause extensive damage to your trees and increase the risk of a fall or a branch snapping.

Even if your tree manages to survive the initial impact of the storm, the weather might have caused more subtle damage that may compromise the integrity of the tree. Be sure to cautiously check your large trees after any big storm and keep a note of any changes that may have occurred, such as major soil erosion, splits in the wood, and branches that may have come loose.

  1. The Tree Has Outgrown Its Space

Of course, not all tree removals in Perth are due to diseased or damaged trees! In some cases, your tree might simply no longer suitable for the space in which it grows and may need to be transplanted or removed.

For example, the tree may have grown excessively wide or tall over the years, resulting in it taking up too much space in the backyard and obliterating the amount of sunlight your home receives. Alternatively, the tree could have grown so large that it now poses a hazard to your home or your neighbour’s property and you want to have it trimmed or removed before an accident occurs. You might even be planning extensive renovations or building projects that require the tree to be removed.

  1. The Branches Look Brittle and/or Unstable

Even if your tree is healthy and free of disease, it’s possible that it has grown in such a way that its limbs are at risk of falling off. Scan for branches that appear to be brittle, unstable and look as though they are barely able to support their own weight – these are all potential signs that your Perth arborist may need to remove the tree or, at the very least, give it a good prune.

It’s important to note that not all trees are created equal. Some species naturally have weaker wood that is more susceptible to breaking, while others will be able to support long, heavy branches for years and decades to come.

Armed with the information in this article, you’ll be in a good position to identify potentially dangerous problems in your trees. If you suspect you need to have a tree removed in Perth or would like a second opinion on the health of your trees, don’t hesitate to contact Tree Surgeons of WA. Operating in Perth since 1980, we’re proud to be the number one choice when it comes to tree removal and other arboriculture services in Western Australia.